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Rattray's Samhain 48 Sandblast Green

Item no.: 15587
EAN: 4251582731202


Next to Beltane, Samhain was an important day for the Celts. Our modern Halloween has its roots in the ancient ritual. 

The legend sais that on the first day of November the doors to the realm of the dead are opening, and one can traverse between realms. 

With lights people showed their deceased loved ones the way home, and evil spirits were warded off with scary masks.

Our Samhain pipe also has an eerie appearance. Only 80 pieces are available per shape.

If you want to see a real scary pipe, type '' in your search engine and click on the subcategorie 'Halloween' in the Gallery. We tip our hat to these works of art.


Mouthpiece Multicoloured acrylic
Application Metal
Drilling 9mm
Limited Edition Yes
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